
Heartbreak to Hope.  Heaven from Hell. 

Yes, that’s about right.

Heartbreak feels like hell.  Hope and love… now that’s heaven on earth. 

If you are here, my guess is you’ve experienced both, are most likely on the heartbreak side of life, or have recently been there.  You are looking for hope.  You are searching for love.

I hear you.

I know.

And that’s why I’m here.  To be your guide.  To shine a light into the darkness and introduce you to love like you’ve never known it to be.  Something from the inside, not something to get, have or do, but something to BE.

I’m Trudy Stoner and I am a Spiritual Love Coach.  A Love Alchemist.  Your Guide.

I know how it feels to have your heartbroken.  To have dreams shattered when the rug is pulled out from beneath you by someone you trusted.  I also know what it feels like to stop trusting yourself and believe that there is something wrong with you, that your picker is broke and you may never find forever love.  I know how that feels. 

I spent the first 50 years of my life searching for love.  Doing the Chameleon thing, molding and shaping myself to just get “them” to love me. 

Why am I not enough... was a constant thought.  Not pretty, thin, smart, funny, sexy…. Anything… enough?  Maybe if I could just be those things, then I’d be loved.

Once I realized that it’s not my job to become anything other than what and who I am, to simply show up in love, to BE love… it all falls into place. 

Once you are no longer available for toxic love, life gets a whole lot easier.

Living life out of alignment is exhausting.  You know that something is off, but you don’t know what. 

Neither did I.

At 50 I had my Aha moment.  A moment of clarity so vibrant it brought me to tears.  Of joy, relief, and knowing.  Cleansing tears because I had my answer.  I AM LOVE.  There is nothing to find, it is what I AM.  It’s been there all along.  Me, searching for love, is like a fish searching for water.  It’s everywhere.  It surrounds me, it is me.  AND, it is YOU.

Together we will discover love like you’ve never known.  Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

Life is a beautiful journey. 

You deserve a journey filled with laughter, joy, hope, peace, and deep, connected love.

I can help you with that.  I’ve been helping women and men just like you, do just that, for over 5 years.  You are here for a reason.  That reason is hope. 

Using my 4-step Healing Process, I will take you on a deep dive of discovery.  Together we will;

Gain Clarity and Insight into your Heart’s Core Desires

Discover what is holding you back and blocking you from experiencing true, lasting love

Uncover Significantly Broken Places and the stories creating them, so they may be released and healed.

Discover/Remember what love is and who you are, a spiritual being having a human experience

Break toxic cycles and create a strong foundation for forever love

Explore the human experience and how our Thought creates our reality

Align with higher vibrations to attract love and abundance in all areas of your life

Learn to live life Anchored in Love each day


If this feels right.  When you are ready…

Let’s Begin.

I became the coach I needed.  Now, I am that coach for you.

IN Love,

xx Trudy